Dear long distance relationships,
Why must you be so hard?
Why must you suck?
Why does it it have to be a thing? 

These are questions you ask yourself when you miss your significant other. You look at your phone waiting for the facetime call to come through. Talk for hours and as soon as you end the call, you are alone on your bed. You wake up the next day, reply to the good morning text and go outside to continue on with your day. You see couples holding hands, kissing, creating memories together. You realize those are moments you and your significant other are missing out on. You call him because you are excited to tell him something amazing that happened to you, yet he doesn't answer because he is busy. At that moment, your heart is shattered because you can't just go up to him to tell him. You have to wait and by the time he calls back, the excitement is gone. When you are sad, they can't be there to give you a hug. The person is worth it so all the sacrifices are worth it, right? Just because you have moments that you feel like you can't do it or question it, doesn't mean you don't love the person. It just means that distance is hard and sometimes you just want to stop missing the person because it physically hurts. Just keep your head up because you got this. Someday you'll be together (I promise) 


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